We are:

  • A specialized company for trademark registration services and all related services in Egypt.
  • More than 25 years of experience in trademark registration and related services.
  • We work to protect your trademark in Egypt.
  • We work with the specialized agents in the same field and with individuals and all companies that own trademarks in Egypt.
  • We provide the excellent and quick service at the same time.
  • We offer the best professional fees in our country “Egypt”.
  • Providing an appropriate discount in some cases for IP Agents in foreign countries.
  • With our team we can overcome the obstacles in this field & know importance of time for our clients.

Some of our clients

IP-Newsun trademark clients
IP-Newsun trademark clients

Tharwat Lotfy

General manager
Hands-on experience with more than 25 years of experience in all trademark & industrial designs services in Egypt.
Contact: th@ip-newsun.com

Kirolos Tharwat

Partner/ Certified IP agent
Certified & accredited by the Egyptian intellectual property bureau with hands-on experience on all trademark matters in Egypt
Contact: kirolos@ip-newsun.com

Our team

  • Mr. Waleed F. Fahmy (Agent)
  • Mr. Mina Magdy (IT Manager)
  • Mrs. Howyda F. Fahmy (Secretary)
  • Ms. Marina Magdy (Assistant)

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